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[GERMANY] Growth Mindset Applied

[GERMANY] Growth Mindset Applied

🌱 Lernen, wachsen, vorangehen – Zukunft gestalten mit Growth Mindset Applied.


🔹 Worum geht’s?

In 45 Minuten tauchen wir tief in die 8 Kernfähigkeiten eines Growth Pioneers ein – vom Umgang mit Unsicherheit bis zur bewussten Lernkultur im Team.


👥 Was Du mitnimmst:

✅ Die wichtigsten Basics für Growth Mindset in der Praxis

✅ Die 8 Mindset-Dimensionen in Aktion

✅ Ein Mini-Assessment der Mindset-Ausprägungen

✅ Sofort anwendbare Übungen zum Mitnehmen

✅ Austausch mit Growth Pioneers aus anderen Unternehmen


📍 Wann & wo?

Freitag, 28. März 2025, 11:00-11:45 – Online-Live-Session


💡 Für wen?

Für Growth Pioneers in Unternehmen, die sich nicht mit Stillstand zufriedengeben und ihre Denkweise aktiv trainieren wollen.


Sichere Dir Deinen Platz!

Anmeldelink: https://www.linkedin.com/events/growthmindsetapplied-imbcorpmon7303736172709634048/

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[PORTUGAL] Masterclass: Do No Significant Harm e o Financiamento Empresarial nos Açores

[PORTUGAL] Masterclass: Do No Significant Harm e o Financiamento Empresarial nos Açores

O princípio Do No Significant Harm (DNSH) já está a guiar o financiamento europeu nos Açores. Nesta masterclass, exploramos como o Governo Regional está a aplicá-lo no Construir 2030, garantindo que as empresas acedem aos fundos do Portugal 2030. Um estudo de caso real e um guia prático para negócios alinhados com a Taxonomia Europeia.

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Korea / This way forward

Korea / This way forward

Ever moving, Ever changing, Ever better!

Who we are? B Corp!

From Environment, Disability to Branding!

Better business heard from B Corp!

Based on three themes, Korean B Corp communities who are boldly moving forward share their stories about how better business can change the world in a new way.

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Le défi Revolt-IA des pros 2024

Le défi Revolt-IA des pros 2024

Revolt-IA est un jeu d’évasion pédagogique. Votre équipe disposera de 60 minutes pour découvrir le code permettant de désactiver l’IA qui réduit le monde en esclavage. Pour cela, vous devrez récupérer les différentes parties du code en répondant à des énigmes mobilisant votre maîtrise du français.

📍SAVE THE DATE - Jeudi 21 mars de 12 à 13h - en ligne

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Korea / This way forwawrd

Korea / This way forwawrd

Ever moving, Ever changing, Ever better!

Who we are? B Corp!

From Environment, Disability to Branding!

Better business heard from B Corp!

Based on three themes, Korean B Corp communities who are boldly moving forward share their stories about how better business can change the world in a new way.

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Japan / B Corp Community Gathering - BCM2024 “THIS WAY FORWARD”

Japan / B Corp Community Gathering - BCM2024 “THIS WAY FORWARD”

This time, B Market Builder Japan will host its first event, bringing together certified B Corps, companies in pipeline, BMBJ and its partners to deepen their interactions face-to-face. Under this year’s B Corp Month theme “THIS WAY FORWARD”, let’s discuss how the B Corp community in Japan will evolve and aim for a “better future” together.

*This event is limited to B corps operating in Japan.

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Korea / This way forward

Korea / This way forward

Ever moving, Ever changing, Ever better!

Who we are? B Corp!

From Environment, Disability to Branding!

Better business heard from B Corp!

Based on three themes, Korean B Corp communities who are boldly moving forward share their stories about how better business can change the world in a new way.

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