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Filtering by: “B Corp Hosted Event”

Engagement social & environnemental : un chantier en continu - par Coolroof

Engagement social & environnemental : un chantier en continu - par Coolroof

L'événement du 29 mars à 11h30 à la PAM mettra en avant l'engagement à travers les expériences de Cool Roof et Kengo.bzh, toutes deux labellisées B Corp depuis septembre 2023. Les discussions aborderont le point de départ de l'engagement, les obstacles rencontrés, la démarche B Corp et se concluront par une session de questions/réponses. Un déjeuner convivial sera offert à partir de 13h pour poursuivre les échanges.

📍SAVE THE DATE - le 29 mars 2024 de 12h à 16h30 à La PAM - Brest

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Rejoignez le mouvement B Corp !

Rejoignez le mouvement B Corp !

Pourquoi et comment devenir une entreprise B Corp ? 

Un moment d’information et d’échange sur la certification B Corp : qu’est-ce que c’est ? Pourquoi est-ce pertinent ? Comment s’y prendre ?

Cet événement est à destination des entreprises du réseau de coworking La Cordée qui souhaitent s’informer sur B Corp et entreprendre la démarche.

📍SAVE THE DATE - Jeudi 28 Mars 2024 à Lyon

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Maddy Keynote 2024

Maddy Keynote 2024

Que vous souhaitiez échanger avec d'autres entrepreneurs, des innovateurs technologiques, des investisseurs engagés, des médias ou des leaders du changement, cet événement offre une opportunité unique de rencontres et de discussions sur des sujets passionnants : l’équilibre entre inspiration et business, à destination des acteurs de la transformation.

📍SAVE THE DATE - le 28 mars 2024 toute la journée au Palais Brongniart - Paris

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Perth B Corp Month Panel: Purpose and Impact - The Way Forward

Perth B Corp Month Panel: Purpose and Impact - The Way Forward

To celebrate B Corp Month, Perth’s B Local community is bringing together a panel of WA B Corps, old and new, large and small to discuss their Journey to B Corp certification and how they are taking their impact forward.

Join us at our free Perth B Local organised event for a deep dive into the journey of B Corps. Learn from a diversity of B Corps including Impact Seed, Modern People and Anthologie, with more to be confirmed.

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Jak tworzyć markę w duchu ESG. Jak zdobyć certyfikat B-Corp i go nie stracić

Jak tworzyć markę w duchu ESG. Jak zdobyć certyfikat B-Corp i go nie stracić

Zarejestruj się na bezpłatne wydarzenie :

Jak tworzyć markę w duchu ESG.

Webinar o certyfikacie B Corp. Jak go zdobyć i jak nie stracić.

Dowiesz się, jak w praktyce wdrażać standardy ESG, jak uniknąć greenwashingu i świadomie prowadzić transformację marki.

Poznasz także wyzwania i korzyści związane z prestiżowym certyfikatem B Corp oraz wskazówki prowadzące do jego uzyskania i utrzymania.

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Neurodiversity in the Workplace (Online)

Neurodiversity in the Workplace (Online)

Hear how B Corps are creating a safe, inclusive space for neurodiverse employees from the physical environment to ways of working and how we measure performance. Three organisations will share their learnings from supporting neurodiversity in the workplace, with an invitation for participants to co-create a resource for the community during the session.

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Environmental Sustainability For Business Panel (Melbourne/Naarm)

Environmental Sustainability For Business Panel (Melbourne/Naarm)

B Corps are no strangers to the intersection between business and sustainability. But how do aspiring B Corps navigate taking meaningful climate action at the same time as becoming a B Corp? Join BlueRock, as they host a panel discussion with B Corps to demystify the intersection of business and sustainability.

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Atelier de codéveloppement - Oé x B Lab France x Mouvement Impact France x CEC

Atelier de codéveloppement - Oé x B Lab France x Mouvement Impact France x CEC

Le 20 mars, Oé vous accueille dans ses nouveaux locaux pour participer à des ateliers de codéveloppement. Le but : que régulièrement les acteur·ices qui agissent dans le quotidien de nos organisation engagées, puissent s'entre-aider pour craquer leurs challenges pros du moment avec le soutien de personnes d'autres organisations locales et engagées.

📍SAVE THE DATE - le 20 mars 2024 de 12h à 16h30 à Lyon

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B Better Virtual Summit 2024 (Online)

B Better Virtual Summit 2024 (Online)

March is B Corp Month and as part of our commitment to the movement, Grow Good is excited to announce the B Better Virtual Summit ’24. Come along for the whole day, or just drop into a single session.

Over a full day of interactive online workshops and expert panel events, we’ll discuss how the business sector is transforming itself and the world and which businesses will thrive in the next 10 to 20 years.

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Rethinking Waste: Designing a Circular Economy (Sydney/Eora)

Rethinking Waste: Designing a Circular Economy (Sydney/Eora)

Join BWD Strategic for networking, nibbles, and an exploration of perspectives on waste. Their panel of innovators and disruptors are challenging conventional views to find value in unlikely places. They’ll share their thoughts on systems change and provide real-world examples of what’s worked and what hasn’t.

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'B Corp Chat with PK' this B Corp Month (ONLINE)

'B Corp Chat with PK' this B Corp Month (ONLINE)

  • Google Meets - invite shared upon registration (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

From 2020-2023, Paul Kitching or ‘PK’ from B Corp agency Fuller hosted an online event bringing together people to network, share and learn from each other. By popular demand, ‘Chat with PK’ is back! Come together online and celebrate the B Corp champions, share what being a B Corp means to you, and your biggest obstacles and challenges along the way.

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Simpli in the box: launch event

Simpli in the box: launch event

Simpli in the box è un gioco adatto a tutte le imprese che vogliono diffondere buoni principi e buone pratiche di governance, attraverso sessioni di game learning, con un approccio ludico-educativo. Durante il nostro evento sarà possibile giocarci insieme.

L'evento si terrà il 18 marzo 2024 presso i nostri uffici di Talent Garden Calabiana, stiamo ultimando la locandina con tutti i dettagli che vi invieremo appena sarà pronta.

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Moving Forward in Design (Sydney/Eora)

Moving Forward in Design (Sydney/Eora)

To celebrate B Corp Month, Armadillo will host a panel discussion at their Sydney showroom on the future of sustainability in architecture and design. Facilitated by Tim Ross, the wide-ranging conversation will include Jeremy Bull of Alexander & CO, Eve-Marie Prineas of Studio Prineas and Karen McCartney of Est Living. The evening will also provide an opportunity for purpose-minded members of the design community to network and connect.

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This Way Forward with Ocean Design (Wellington/Te Whanga-nui-a-Tara)

This Way Forward with Ocean Design (Wellington/Te Whanga-nui-a-Tara)

Ocean Design studio in Te Aro Wellington welcomes certified and aspiring B Corps alike to this exciting panel event, with four B Corp leaders from around the region. Sharing their insights, lessons and experience of certification — they will tackle what the future of positive impact looks like in Aotearoa.

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Digital Boost: What It Means To Be a B Corp (Online)

Digital Boost: What It Means To Be a B Corp (Online)

Digital Boost is a free self-directed online learning platform who partners with the government of Aotearoa New Zealand to create ‘the most digitally engaged small business sector in the world’. This event will be a panel and Q&A session with B Lab AANZ, Sawmill Brewery, and Pathfinder, discussing what it means to be B Corp Certified.

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Visite de l’îlot B009 de la ZAC Bastide Niel

Visite de l’îlot B009 de la ZAC Bastide Niel

9h-10h30 : Maison de l’architecture 308 avenue Thiers : conférence avec les architectes (URBANMAKERS, SELVA & MAUGIN) pour tout savoir sur la construction et la réhabilitation bas carbone

10h30-11h30 : Maison du projet Bastide Niel 126 avenue Thiers : Visite de cet îlot d’avenir Bas Carbone avec les architectes et les responsables de programme Domofrance

📍SAVE THE DATE - Jeudi 12 mars à Bordeaux

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Incontro formativo "Recupero e Riciclo di Scarti Tessili - Responsabilità Estesa del Produttore"

Incontro formativo "Recupero e Riciclo di Scarti Tessili - Responsabilità Estesa del Produttore"

Come aziende B Corp, siamo uniti dalla responsabilità di guidare il cambiamento nel tessuto industriale e sociale, trasformando i principi di sostenibilità e rigenerazione in azioni concrete. Questo evento rappresenta una preziosa occasione di incontro per consolidare la nostra comunità, creando un luogo di apprendimento e scambio per anticipare e gestire le sfide ambientali che ci attendono, con un focus per il settore tessile.Tra i relatori avremo il piacere di ascoltare esperti di settore, inclusi rappresentanti di due B Corp: Save The Duck e The ID Factory, che condivideranno le loro preziose esperienze e conoscenze sul tema della sostenibilità nel settore tessile.

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