Upcoming events
B Lab Africa & IMPACT TRADE 2024 Summit
Save the Date for a revolutionary collaboration!
Join B Lab Africa and IMPACT TRADE at our Summit to explore strategic opportunities and revolutionize the way we do global impact business.
We invite all passionate stakeholders driving positive change in Africa to mark your calendars and plan to attend our Summit. Together, we can make a significant impact by addressing crucial challenges and fostering collaboration across sectors.
We look forward to sharing more details soon. In the meantime, reserve the week of September 2nd 2024.
For partnership or collaboration inquiries, we kindly request you to contact Binyam Gebeyehu via email at summit@b-labafrica.net
B Corp Community Social Connect
Join us for a dynamic social gathering celebrating the B Corp movement in Cairo, Egypt, happening in April. This event unites B Corps, entrepreneurs, businesses, and community leaders with a shared passion for sustainability.
Mingle and network with other like-minded individuals, including:
B Corp members who champion responsible business practices.
Sustainability champions driving positive change in Egypt.
Entrepreneurs and businesses committed to a greener future.
Discover and discuss:
The B Corp Certification process and its benefits for your business.
Collaborative opportunities to accelerate sustainable practices in Egypt.
Innovative solutions for tackling social and environmental challenges.
This informal forum fosters:
Community building: Connect with others on the same sustainability journey.
Shared inspiration: Learn from inspiring stories and case studies.
Collaborative action: Spark partnerships and projects for real-world impact.
Bring your colleagues and friends eager to explore the B Corp world!
Don't miss this chance to connect, learn, and contribute to a more sustainable future.
Engagement social & environnemental : un chantier en continu - par Coolroof
L'événement du 29 mars à 11h30 à la PAM mettra en avant l'engagement à travers les expériences de Cool Roof et Kengo.bzh, toutes deux labellisées B Corp depuis septembre 2023. Les discussions aborderont le point de départ de l'engagement, les obstacles rencontrés, la démarche B Corp et se concluront par une session de questions/réponses. Un déjeuner convivial sera offert à partir de 13h pour poursuivre les échanges.
📍SAVE THE DATE - le 29 mars 2024 de 12h à 16h30 à La PAM - Brest
D&I in Action: Unpacking Bias, Embracing Inclusion
This exclusive, in-person gathering is tailor-made for forward-thinking individuals passionate about Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI), limited to an intimate gathering of 50 participants. This event will center around insightful discussions on Unconscious Bias and Inclusive Hiring practices, coupled with the exciting launch of the B Corp JEDI toolkit. The session wraps up with networking opportunities and informal discussions.
Rejoignez le mouvement B Corp !
Pourquoi et comment devenir une entreprise B Corp ?
Un moment d’information et d’échange sur la certification B Corp : qu’est-ce que c’est ? Pourquoi est-ce pertinent ? Comment s’y prendre ?
Cet événement est à destination des entreprises du réseau de coworking La Cordée qui souhaitent s’informer sur B Corp et entreprendre la démarche.
📍SAVE THE DATE - Jeudi 28 Mars 2024 à Lyon
Maddy Keynote 2024
Que vous souhaitiez échanger avec d'autres entrepreneurs, des innovateurs technologiques, des investisseurs engagés, des médias ou des leaders du changement, cet événement offre une opportunité unique de rencontres et de discussions sur des sujets passionnants : l’équilibre entre inspiration et business, à destination des acteurs de la transformation.
📍SAVE THE DATE - le 28 mars 2024 toute la journée au Palais Brongniart - Paris
End of B Corp Month - Sydney Meetup (Sydney/Eora)
To celebrate the end of B Corp Month in Sydney, come down to 4 Pines in the CBD for an after-work drink, meet your fellow B Corps, and share an evening full of connections and celebrations!
This way forward: Building Adelaide's B Corp Community (Adelaide/Tarntanya)
As part of B Corp Month, the Adelaide B Corp community are thrilled to extend a warm invitation to both current and aspiring B Corps to come together and chart the course for a vibrant Adelaide B Local community. This event serves as a platform for collaborative discussion, where participants are encouraged to share their insights and ideas to propel our community forward.
Meeting with the B Corp Ecosystem of Luxembourg
On March 27th, join the entire B Corp ecosystem in Luxembourg for a conference of exchanges and a friendly networking moment over cocktails.
Impact Game – 60 minutes to explore your positive impact roadmap
Your organisation wants to make more impact, but where do you start? Or do you want to involve more people in your company and inform them about your impact strategy? With this business game you can map out the impact of your organisation in a playful way. Through a 60-minutes engaging workshop, look at where you stand and in which impact areas you can grow even further.
Wellbeing bei der Arbeit: Erfolgsgeheimnis oder nettes Beiwerk?
Wellbeing wird oft als simples Recruiting oder Retention Tool verstanden, um allerdings nachhaltig etwas zu verändern und so das Fundament für eine regenerative Wirtschaft zu werden, muss es Bestandteil der Unternehmenskultur werden - nicht nur um Mitarbeiter:innen zu halten, sondern vor allem um Innovationen, Leistungsfähigkeit und Teamfähigkeit nachhaltig zu verbessern und so die Zukunftsfähigkeit von Unternehmen sicherzustellen. Wie das funktionieren kann zeigt Vanessa Hansch in einem Impulsvortrag und anschließend freut sie sich über interaktiven Austausch mit den Teilnehmenden.
B Together | March 27
Brunch ore 12-13 ogni mercoledì nei nostri uffici di Milano nel mese di marzo 2024, per celebrare insieme il mese delle B Corp
¡La B Viajará por a las Empresas B de Perú!
Sistema B Perú está preparando la ruta de la B por el país.
B Local Québec Déjeuner / breakfast
À l'occasion du mois des B Corp, B Local Québec vous invite à un déjeuner.
L'occasion pour nous de vous présenter la nouvelle offre pour les membres.
Cette présentation sera suivi d'un moment d'échange entre les membres de la communauté B Corp et les amis du mouvement.
Alors n'attendez plus ! Inscrivez-vous pour en savoir plus.
Cet événement est gratuit. Le lieu sera annoncé prochainement.
To mark B Corp Month, B Local Québec invites you to a breakfast.
It's an opportunity for us to present our new offer for members.
This presentation will be followed by a moment of exchange between members of the B Corp community and friends of the B Corp movement.
So don't wait any longer! Register to find out more. This event is free of charge.
En el mes de las Empresas B ¡Hay after!
El chef sos vos, nosotros nos encargamos del resto
B Local Wellington Panel: Moving Systems Change Forward (Wellington/Te Whanga-nui-a-Tara)
What is true ‘systems change’, and how do we use business to address the roots of vast global challenges? Hosted by Kiwibank, hear how B Corps, big and small, are finding their place in systems change, and using their business to create positive change.
Perth B Corp Month Panel: Purpose and Impact - The Way Forward
To celebrate B Corp Month, Perth’s B Local community is bringing together a panel of WA B Corps, old and new, large and small to discuss their Journey to B Corp certification and how they are taking their impact forward.
Join us at our free Perth B Local organised event for a deep dive into the journey of B Corps. Learn from a diversity of B Corps including Impact Seed, Modern People and Anthologie, with more to be confirmed.
Untitled Event
Espacio para recapitular y celebrar todo lo vivido durante el Mes de las Empresas B en compañía de la comunidad
Jak tworzyć markę w duchu ESG. Jak zdobyć certyfikat B-Corp i go nie stracić
Zarejestruj się na bezpłatne wydarzenie :
Jak tworzyć markę w duchu ESG.
Webinar o certyfikacie B Corp. Jak go zdobyć i jak nie stracić.
Dowiesz się, jak w praktyce wdrażać standardy ESG, jak uniknąć greenwashingu i świadomie prowadzić transformację marki.
Poznasz także wyzwania i korzyści związane z prestiżowym certyfikatem B Corp oraz wskazówki prowadzące do jego uzyskania i utrzymania.
Erfolgreiche Finanzplanung: Dein Einstieg in die nachhaltige Geldanlage
Egal ob Altersvorsorge, Traumhaus oder kleinere Sparziele: Ein strukturierter Überblick über die eigenen Finanzen bildet das Grundgerüst für den erfolgreichen Vermögensaufbau. Doch was gehört zu einer guten Finanzplanung und welche Rolle spielt die nachhaltige Geldanlage dabei? Unser Webinar gibt einen aufschlussreichen Einblick die Welt des Investierens und klärt auf, worauf es bei der Auswahl nachhaltiger Anlageprodukte auskommt. Lernen Sie Schritt für Schritt, wie Sie nachhaltig mehr aus Ihrem Geld machen - sowohl privat als auch geschäftlich.
Neurodiversity in the Workplace (Online)
Hear how B Corps are creating a safe, inclusive space for neurodiverse employees from the physical environment to ways of working and how we measure performance. Three organisations will share their learnings from supporting neurodiversity in the workplace, with an invitation for participants to co-create a resource for the community during the session.
B Local Panel Event (Ōtautahi Christchurch)
Join the local Christchurch B Corp community for a breakfast panel session, and hear from local B Corps on how to grow impact across all aspects of business. With real-world examples of continuous improvement, discuss how to keep moving forward in the face of seemingly constant challenges.
B Connected for B Corp Month
Can't make it to Vancouver for the B Corp Champions Retreat but want to celebrate B Corp month in Toronto?
We've got you...
Who: B Corps and organizations going through B Corp certification verification
What: We will welcome one of the B Corp Champions Retreat speakers to share a version of their presentation right here in Ontario. Hear from our very own Ontarian: Jay Wall. He is the Principal Creative Director at Briteweb, a B Corp creative agency dedicated to social change.
Singapore / Tech For Good Workshop & Panel
At B Lab Singapore, we wholeheartedly champion the transformative power of knowledge. Aligned with this ethos, we are collaborating with PALO IT, a fellow B-Corp certified company, to craft a compelling lineup of workshops and an enlightening panel discussion for our B Corp Month Event on March 25th.
Here's your chance to be part of the visionaries and change-makers to navigate the complex landscape of sustainability in the digital space. Centered around collaboration, this event empowers participants with essential tools, valuable insights, and a collaborative spirit to make a meaningful impact.
Community Gathering at Change NOW 2024
This gathering is an opportunity for B Corp companies to meet beyond borders in order to learn from each other and discuss how the movement is reaching a vital juncture in its evolution with the evolution of B Corp Certification standards.
📍SAVE THE DATE - Monday, March 25 in the Community HUB at Change NOW
Expectations and Preparations for the Green Claims Directive
Discover the ins and outs of the Green Claims Directive, understanding legal changes and its impact on SMEs and explore practical steps for SMEs to align with the directive without losing their unique identity.
Pact4Future: 1st edition
B Lab Italy will be speaking in a panel with other B Corps (Patagonia, Sanpellegrino): TBD for more information
Change Now 2024
Cette année encore, l'association B Lab France est fière d'être partenaire écosystème de Change NOW ! À cette occasion nous vous invitons à nous rejoindre pour le plus grand événement de solutions pour la planète !
📍SAVE THE DATE - du 25 au 27 mars au Grand Palais Éphémère à Paris
Business For Good Party (Brisbane/Meanjin)
Are you curious about B Corp or Business for Good? Want to surround yourself with fellow purpose-driven people? Join this night of good fun, meaningful connections, and high-frequency conversations, hosted by GoodNorth and Impact Boom.
B Corp and Renewable Energy Webinar Vol. 1
“B Corp and Renewable Energy Webinar” is designed to help those interested in B Corp acquire basic knowledge of renewable energy, as well as provide information on the renewable energy industry. This is a series of webinars aimed at helping people acquire basic knowledge of B Corp.